Allan Milne Lees first of all you are assuming that the gods and goblins in religions are made up. In assuming them to be false and belittling those that believe on them you are already taking the role of a fundamentalist. Since religious experience is a personal matter, you have absolutely no knowledge of what a person’s experience is. They say it exists, you say it doesn’t. Neither of you have any evidence to back up your view yet you both say that only your point of view is correct. In my eyes, that is fundamentalism.
Next, to say that science has an adequate understanding of the universe is absolute rubbish. Modern science does not understand even a micro-speck of this universe? How could it since space is unending? How do I know space is unending? I don’t. However, unless you can think of some alternative to space that modern science has come up with, we have to assume there isn’t an alternative and thus, how can space have an end? It’s funny that despite this obvious point, many scientists still believe that the universe is expanding. This being the case, where is the centre that it is expanding from? Is our earth conveniently the centre from which it is expanding? Where on earth is this centre? Wall Street? Justin Bieber’s toilet? If it is expanding, what is it expanding into since space currently has no alternative from a scientific point of view? Of course, science has its merits and as I have said in the article, so does Atheism, but please think through your argument before you use my article to promote your own stuff 😀 Peace ✌️