I would imagine that this article has a high number of views but a low number of reads which is often the sign of a clickbaity title.
I must admit I was looking forward to hearing your controversial views on whether we should add a P onto the end of the LGBTQ thing.
Critical thinking is important, but out on its own, it’s like a dry fish on a stick in the desert.
You don’t have to train people to be critical thinkers. Somebody just made up the term critical thinking like everything else. Many people class themselves as deep thinkers or critical thinkers. In my experience it often means they just smoke too much weed 🤣
I’d like to hear more about you as a person and what experiences made you believe whatever you believe. You can’t use maths formula to decide ether it’s wrong to want to shag a preteen.
Obviously these are just my opinions so don’t take them to heart. Im just one person and maybe I’m wrong. I’ve just found honestly to be helpful myself.
All the best Pal