Here We Go Again
Jordan Peterson Is Wrong
In my personal relative opinion
Im not going deep into his shit.
Someone coerced me into reading the first chapter of his book Twelve Rules at some point. That chapter is about why we should all have straight backs because that’s what lobsters do. That was enough for me. Fucking lobsters.
I’m just going to address Jordan Peterson’s action on Twitter, where he decided that his opinion was important enough to call a swimsuit model ‘Not beautiful’.
To assess if this kind of stinking shit is justifiable or a critical observation, I imagine my wife and I run into Peterson at a party.
He points at my wife without even introducing himself and says, ‘Sorry. Not Beautiful.’ And I think he must be drunk, but he still better start running because I am about to smash that cunt’s teeth right out of his fucking head.
So is it just an observation? How would you feel if he pointed at your wife or mother and said it? Would you rip that fucker’s gonads clean off, or would you sit there, take a sip of your Brandy Alexander and say,
‘Hmm, Doctor Peterson has a valid point there’.
If you still think it was just an observation, perhaps you need to get your head tested.
Because Peterson never remarked on general universal principles or concepts, regardless of how many words you can speculatively extract from his meaning. He directly insulted a young woman trying to make a living in this world. And let’s be clear here, this woman is a model.
So he is saying that her whole livelihood is a fucking joke.
But worse than that, it’s coming from a conservative white male in a society that has a long history of conservative white males acting out their sick ideologies from colonialism to the prison industrial complex, to the persecution of women and gay people and basically fucking anyone that isn’t a conservative white male.
Even if you agree with Peterson, read the room Motherfuckers.
Coming off the back of centuries of this stinking white man oppression, do you think that kind of bullshit is still appropriate? And if you also believe that this talk of white male oppression is a fable, or that it ended already, you need to get your god damn head out of that bong smoke cloud that you have been in since the sixties.
In fact, why don’t you fuck off back to 1953? I think you will fit right in there.
The world is trying hard to get better even in this shitstorm of corporate servitude. Does this lead to some people taking it to other extremes? Of course, because some people are dumb bastards. But the pendulum has to swing the other way before it returns to the centre. And you don’t need to try and combat so-called ‘wokeness’ with straight-up conservatism.
It’s why we kneel for BLM as a commitment to do better.
Whether you think the symbol is correct or not is irrelevant. We are attempting to correct centuries of oppression and violence, so bend the knee, you cunt.
It’s not about saying you’re not a racist. It’s about acknowledging that the damage done to black people is so vast that it’s basically undoable, but those of us who care, with the little power we have, are going to try anyway.
It’s the same with women and gay people and trans people and all the other beings that we have systematically fucked and raped.
If you understand historical and trans-generational trauma, you will realise how deep that violence goes. And if you don’t believe in concepts like that, start by reading about neuroplasticity. Our experiences alter physical neural pathways in the brain, which are stored genetically and passed on.
It’s not like believing in that bastard Godric Griffindor or Santa Claus. It’s a very straightforward concept.
And does the Doctor honestly think in these times, the world needs his intellectual steaming peanut corn shit that he has worked on by writing on a window with a felt tip pen like Russell Crowe in A Beautiful Mind?
But Frank, that woman wasn’t your wife or daughter, was she?
No, she wasn’t, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have a partner or dad, or mum, or siblings. She has a family and friends that she now has to face, feeling god damn humiliated and stupid about choosing a career that has been traditionally only open to skinny white women. And imagine being her dad or mum and watching your daughter, who you love more than anything in the world, get shot down by a conservative white intellectual badger fucker and told she isn’t beautiful after you have spent your life trying to convince her of the opposite. How the fuck would you feel if it were your daughter?
In the end, I got tired of hating myself, of thinking I wasn’t good enough because I’m not a certain size or a certain race — Yumi Nu
Can you honestly say that people’s feelings don’t matter as long as you can look at yourself in the mirror and say, ‘ I’m right’?
Is there anything more ugly in this world than the stench of ego?
It’s only one man’s opinion. Why should she care?
I don’t consider myself WOKE whatever the fuck that cunt of a word means. And I’m not in the business of sucking up to women or anyone. So don’t start with that bullshit. I’m also not going into detail about the rape and savagery that we have put women through (and still do). If you don’t know about it, you are a god damn clueless ostrich with its head up its own very dark, depressing arsehole.
Jordan Peterson is a very high profile personality, and his army of impressionable young male followers now have his blessing to slag off women’s bodies once again in the name of truth.
Are we arrogant enough to assume that life as someone other than a white man in a white man’s world is just as easy as the one we live? And when a famous professor publicly points out that your worst fucking fear is actually true after you have spent your whole life trying to get over it, how can we be so far down our own dickholes to assume that it’s just something to casually dust off like Dorito crumbs?
Let’s talk about truth, shall we?
Peterson’s statement on this model’s beauty is about as clever as a male walrus pointing at his skinny sister Genevieve and saying,
Genevieve, Honey, you’ll never fucking attract a man like that. You need to eat more crabs, you skinny bitch.
Oh, but humans, we are different, aren’t we? We‘re not animals. We are the superior species, so our views of beauty are absolute and not relative at all.
Obviously, I’ve never watched porn personally.
But a quick scan of the biggest porn sites on the internet might reveal hundreds or even thousands of porn categories, including plus-size women, trans people of all kinds, big people fucking little people, big people fucking big people, women with penises, men with vaginas, men with breasts, women with no breasts, old women fucking old men, young men fucking old women, old women with two dicks fucking young men with no dicks. You fucking name it, people are watching that shit.
Well, these are all fetishes, aren’t they? They aren’t beautiful. People aren’t actually attracted to any of those things.
I mean, only those lifeboat lipped medicine ball titted skinny blonde women sucking off giant dicked steroid bloated viagra bald apes are the ones that people are really attracted to deep down.
We need to get our heads out of our yellow-stained sphincters and realise that EVERYTHING is relative, not just the things that we choose to see as relative because they fit into our own personal deepest fears and desires.
Just because you believe something, you need to acknowledge that you know nothing about how anyone else sees the world regardless of how many boring batshit academic papers you have read.
Personally, I like women of all sizes.
It’s like ice cream. I fucking love strawberry, chocolate, vanilla, salted caramel, rum and raisin, bubble gum — all of them. Even that weird rainbow dick flavour. It’s possible for them to all be fucking delicious. I know this because I find them all god damn delicious.
Do I find plus size women attractive? Fucking right I do. All of them? Nope, but honestly, I have never found Jennifer Aniston attractive either or the other one off Friends, or Halle Berry or Angelina Jolie for that matter. Does this say something about my mental state? Or does it imply that humans are humans, each with our own complex backstory that has led us to who we are as individuals? As much as we try to apply any number of rules to anyone or anything, we will never get a home run because we are wrong to think there is any unconditioned common consensus on beauty. It’s all conditioned.
And that model we are talking about — Yumi Nu — I find her absolutely stunning from head to toe. And no, I’m not being forced into saying that by whatever imaginary ‘authority’ that Doctor Peterson is referring to.
Look back through history, and you might find that what is beautiful changes radically from culture to culture and age to age. And to be fair, it’s not even hard to see that unless you are staring at your own ideas through the keyhole of your invisible ideology.
Humans are primarily such crude slightly advanced apes that we still think the physical body is the only dimension of beauty.
When people talk about other levels like the mind being beautiful, we think they are just being pretentious. But they’re not, and if you fucking meditated properly for a few years instead of meditating on the sound of your own intellectual turd voice, you might start to get a mild clue about what the fuck they are talking about.
As the mind deepens through fortunate circumstances and that voice in the head shuts the fuck up, we realise that everything in the world is like different flavours of ice cream.
The side of me that desperately wanted to fit in with the boys at school might be shit scared of embracing that kind of freedom.
Remember films like ‘Shallow Hall’? Our society has made us believe that it’s embarrassing to be with a big woman, and you still think you came to that conclusion because it’s some innate rule of the universe. That’s the thing about ideology — it’s invisible. Once you see it, it’s no longer ideology.
These days I am comfortable enough to say I like girls with penises and massive butts and more petite butts and vaginas and the other way around. I really like trans girls as long as they don’t have a masculine voice or features apart from a cock. I’m fine with a good cock on a sexy woman. But I don’t recognise these preferences as absolute. It’s all a personal choice.
The fact that many people find certain features attractive tells you that beauty lies within the subject.
You can’t debate this. It’s watertight nursery level philosophy Motherfuckers.
I still don’t find men attractive, but Im working on it in order to remove my conditioned homophobia.
And it has nothing to do with cocks. I’d rather have sex with a woman with a cock than a man with a vagina. But, that’s just my relative opinion. There is nothing stable, permanent or absolute about that shit. In ten years I might be totally gay and I’m fine with that. Everything is in constant flux. Everything.
In my life, I find two things essential — compassion and wisdom.
Compassion is seeing some poor bastard drop their lunch that they spent their last five dollars on. It’s having your heart bleed for them so much that you have no choice but to buy them a new one. It’s seeing someone in severe pain and wanting to take that shit on yourself. At a high level, it’s making the wish for it to become impossible for you to cause pain to others and wishing instead that whatever you do will benefit them. But that kind of motivation is hard to understand in the beginning.
Wisdom is the art of seeing things clearly. It happens when concentration and compassion come together. It’s like gradually peeling back the layers of an onion and saying, ‘Oh yeah, there’s the onion — no, there’s the onion’, until you realise that there actually is no fucking onion, only layers.
Realising that there is no onion is the true onion.
Intellectual understanding can only get you so far. Our job in this world is to look after each other and wake ourselves up to the truth of what all of this is. And even that notion is a fucking onion layer. So let’s not argue about what is true because fuck all is inherently true. It’s always just a layer within a layer.
Let’s just argue about what is useful instead.
And from where I am sitting, undermining a young woman’s entire career and life to prove some intellectual idea is so far from fucking useful. The best thing people like Peterson can do is go and enjoy the millions of dollars he has already made from selling his books.
Believe it or not, I found it hard to write this because I feel love for Jordan Peterson like a Mother feels for her child. I feel sorry for him because I see a child that is suffering. I’m not being pretentious either. I fucking mean it. I want the best for that bastard. That’s why I think he should go live on a farm and stare at the sky until he realises that he is a speck of dust in infinite time and space — not intellectually or from texts, but through the wisdom that comes from deep understanding and meditation. Maybe then he won't have anything left to prove to anyone and he can really start to help.
And that way, the world doesn’t have to get distracted by his crap while we are trying to repair the mistakes of the past.