Yo Mikey (Rocky voice)
You know I love ya too Kid. If ya checked ya emails ya would know that. I don’t take jack shit personally and as I told ya in ya email I think it’s damn important that us writers go at eachother. What happens on Medium stays on Medium. I’d link to an article I wrote about this but I’m on the fucking retarded mobile app that Medium have well and truly fucked up so it’s just not possible. The title of this article is an experiment to see what happens when ya put cunt in the title of an article. It was inspired by your own six cunts. Or was it seven? And the ultimate point of this article is meant to be a spiritual one I got there in the end. It’s only long cos yours is long lol. And I do have love for that bastard. We’re all fucking flawed humans and aren’t we writing here to try and fuck off the suffering for everyone? Otherwise what’s the damn point? Go ahead and write another one and I might respond again or I might just write another story about wanking instead. Muchos Love Brother x